Stone Blind, Natalie Haynes.

Stone Blind, Natalie Haynes.

This book tells the story of Medusa like you've never heard it before. And it will break your heart.

I had a huge Greek mythology phase as a young child, and I never really got over it. 😂 That's why I'm so glad that there are now amazing retellings and different views to the old myths. Stone Blind is definitely my favourite of those so far. It's just amazing how Natalie Haynes has somehow written a story where the plot floats steadily forward even thought there are around 10 main characters, and they all get their turn in being the narrator. You'll read the story through Medusa, Perseus, Athena and many more, even a crow gets a turn (and he absolute rocks by the way). Viewing the familiar story through different eyes gives you plenty to think about.

This is the first time in my life that I have really loved an audiobook. I usually prefer to read physical books and only listen to audiobooks while driving or cleaning, you know when reading is not possible. But this time I adored how Haynes reads her own book. It felt as if I was watching a Greek tragedy happen in front of me, her vivid telling is that good. I loved how her entire voice seemed to change when she read Athena's lines, she was so fierce and demanded respect! And then, when she read Medusa's lines, she was soft and delicant like a precious child. Perfect reading, just perfect. 

Now if you excuse me, I'm going to go and read everything that Natalie Haynes has ever written. I recommend you do the same!


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